Xian, S., Dietz, E., Fabi, R. (2025). Trans Experiences in Healthcare: Testimonial Injustice in Clinical Practice. Voices in Bioethics. 11:
Santos, P., Fabi, R., Cervantes, L. (2025). Texas Executive Order GA-46 and the Erosion of Patient Trust in Health Care. New England Journal of Medicine. doi:10.1056/NEJMp2414284
Wherry, L., Fabi, R., Steenland, M. (2024). Medicaid Coverage for Immigrants During Pregnancy, Childhood, and Adulthood: A Discussion of Relevant Policies and Evidence. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. doi:10.1215/03616878-11567684
Fabi, R., Suleiman, H., Kuczewski, M. (2024). Barriers Facing UnDACAmented Medical Students. Academic Medicine. 99(12):1332-36.
Pacia, D., Crane, J., Neuhaus, C., Berlinger, N., Fabi, R. (2024). A Model for Relational Public Health: Federally Qualified Health Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics. 52(1): 34-40.
Fabi, R., Johnson, L.S. (2024). Responding to Disruptive Patient Behaviors: Beyond Behavior Contracts. JAMA. 331(10): 823–824.
Park, J., Mahklouf, M., Fabi, R. (2023). Expanding Healthcare Access for DACA Recipients Through Executive Branch Rulemaking—Progress and Ongoing Imperatives. The New England Journal of Medicine. 389(5): 387-389.
Steenland, M., Fabi, R., Bellerose, M., Desir, A., White, M., Wherry, L. (2023). Association between state public insurance coverage for postpartum immigrants and differences in postpartum care between postpartum immigrants and non-immigrants. JAMA, 330(3): 238-246.
Crane, J., Fabi, R., Pacia, D., Neuhaus, C., Berlinger, N. (2023). “We’re Here to Take Care of Our Community”: Lessons Learned From the U.S. Federal Health Center Covid-19 Vaccine Program. Health Promotion Practice.
Mathews, D., Abernethy, A., Butte,A. J., Ginsburg, P., Kocher, B., Novelli, C., Sandy, L., Smee, J., Fabi, R., Offodile II, A. C., Sherkow, J. S., Sullenger, R. D., Freiling, E., Balatbat, C. (2023). Telehealth and Mobile Health: Case Study for Understanding and Anticipating Emerging Science and Technology. NAM Perspectives.
Mathews, D., Abernethy, A., Chaikof, E., Charo, R. A., Daley, G. Q., Enriquez, J., Gottlieb, S., Kahn, J., Klausner, R. D., Tavazoie, S., Fabi, R., Offodile II, A. C., Sherkow, J. S., Sullenger, R. D., Freiling, E., Balatbat, C. (2023). Regenerative Medicine: Case Study for Understanding and Anticipating Emerging Science and Technology. NAM Perspectives.
Mathews, D., Abernethy, A., Butte,A. J., Enriquez, J., Kocher, B., Lisanby, S. H., Persons, T. M., Fabi, R., Offodile II, A. C., Sherkow, J. S., Sullenger, R. D., Freiling, E., Balatbat, C. (2023). Neurotechnology and Noninvasive Neuromodulation: Case Study for Understanding and Anticipating Emerging Science and Technology. NAM Perspectives.
Fabi, R., Zahn, L. (2022). Public Reason, Public Comments, and the Public Charge Rule: A Case Study in Moral & Practical Reasoning in Federal Rulemaking. Journal of Law, Medicine, & Ethics. 50(2): 322-335.
Mathews, D., Fabi, R., Offodile, A. (2022). Imagining Governance for Emerging Technologies. Issues in Science and Technology, 38(3): 40-46.
Fabi, R., Rivas, S., Griffin, M. (2022). Not in Our Name: The Disingenuous Use of “Public Health” as Justification for Title 42 Expulsions in the Era of the Migrant Protection Protocols. American Journal of Public Health, 112(8): 1115-1119.
Shaw, J., Anderson K.B., Fabi, R., … Shaw, A. (2022). COVID-19 vaccination intention and behavior in a large, diverse, U.S. refugee population. Vaccine. 40(9):1231-1237.
Crane, J., Pacia, D., Fabi, R., Neuhaus, C., Berlinger, N. (2022). Advancing Covid vaccination equity at Federally Qualified Health Centers: A rapid qualitative review. Journal of General Internal Medicine.
Fabi, R., Cervantes, L. (2021). Undocumented immigrants and COVID-19—A call for federally funded healthcare. JAMA Health Forum. 2(9), e212252.
Fabi, R., Saloner, B., Taylor, H. (2021). State Policymaking and Stated Reasons: Prenatal Care for Undocumented Immigrants in an Era of Abortion Restriction. Milbank Quarterly.
Ghandakly, E., Fabi, R. (2021). Sterilization in ICE Detention: Ethical Failures and Systemic Injustice. American Journal of Public Health. 111(5), 832–34.
Fabi, R., & Taylor, H. A. (2021). Publicly Funded Health Care for Pregnant Undocumented Immigrants: Achieving Moral Progress Through Overlapping Consensus. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, 31(1), 77-99.
Spagnol Silverman, L, and Fabi R. (2021). “Deadly Bias: A Call for Gender Diversity in Cardiac Life Support Simulation Training.” BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning.
Fabi R., Goldberg D.S. (2021). Bioethics, (Funding) Priorities, and the Perpetuation of Injustice. American Journal of Bioethics. January 2021:1-14.
Fabi, R., Ludmir J. (2020). Pregnancy, Pandemics, and Public Health Policy: The Disparate Impact of COVID-19 on Pregnant Immigrants. Women’s Health Issues.
Fabi, R., Singh, N., Persad, G., Spiegel, P., Serwer, D., Rubenstein, L. (2020). Determining the Number of Refugees to be Resettled in the United States: An Ethical and Human Rights Analysis. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 19(2), 142-156.
Messing, A., Fabi, R., Rosen, J. (2020). Reproductive Injustice at the Border. American Journal of Public Health, 110(3), 339-344.
Fabi, R., Taylor, H. (2019). Prenatal Care for Undocumented Immigrants: Professional Norms, Ethical Tensions, & Practical Workarounds. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 47, 398-408.
Fabi, R. (2019). Why Physicians Should Advocate for Undocumented Immigrants’ Unimpeded Access to Prenatal Care. AMA Journal of Ethics, 21(1), e93-99.
Fabi, R. (2019). Public Health Ethics and Issues Related to Immigrants and Refugees in The Oxford Handbook of Public Health Ethics, Kahn, J., Kass, N., Mastroianni, A. (eds). Oxford University Press.
Switzer, G., Macis, M., Fabi, R., Abress, L., Confer, D., Bruce, J., . . . Dew, M.A. (2018). Providing level-of-match information to perfectly matched unrelated donors: Evaluating acceptability and potential changes in donor availability. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 24(10), 2110-2118.
Wherry, L. R., Fabi, R., Schickedanz, A., & Saloner, B. (2017). State And Federal Coverage For Pregnant Immigrants: Prenatal Care Increased, No Change Detected For Infant Health. Health Affairs, 36(4), 607-615.
Fabi, R., & Saloner, B. (2016). Covering Undocumented Immigrants — State Innovation in California. New England Journal of Medicine, 375(20), 1913-1915.
Fabi, R. (2016). “Respect for Persons,” Not “Respect for Citizens”. American Journal of Bioethics 16(10), 69-70.
Kass, N., Faden, R., Fabi, R., Morain, S., Hallez, K., Whicher, D., . . . Pitcavage, J. (2016). Alternative consent models for comparative effectiveness studies: Views of patients from two institutions. AJOB Empirical Bioethics, 7(2), 92-105.