

  • Xian, S., Dietz, E., Fabi, R. (2025). Trans Experiences in Healthcare: Testimonial Injustice in Clinical Practice. Voices in Bioethics. 11:

  • Santos, P., Fabi, R., Cervantes, L. (2025). Texas Executive Order GA-46 and the Erosion of Patient Trust in Health Care. New England Journal of Medicine. doi:10.1056/NEJMp2414284


  • Wherry, L., Fabi, R., Steenland, M. (2024). Medicaid Coverage for Immigrants During Pregnancy, Childhood, and Adulthood: A Discussion of Relevant Policies and Evidence. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. doi:10.1215/03616878-11567684

  • Fabi, R., Suleiman, H., Kuczewski, M. (2024). Barriers Facing UnDACAmented Medical Students. Academic Medicine. 99(12):1332-36.

  • Pacia, D., Crane, J., Neuhaus, C., Berlinger, N., Fabi, R. (2024). A Model for Relational Public Health: Federally Qualified Health Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics. 52(1): 34-40.

  • Fabi, R., Johnson, L.S. (2024). Responding to Disruptive Patient Behaviors: Beyond Behavior Contracts. JAMA. 331(10): 823–824.


  • Park, J., Mahklouf, M., Fabi, R. (2023). Expanding Healthcare Access for DACA Recipients Through Executive Branch Rulemaking—Progress and Ongoing Imperatives. The New England Journal of Medicine. 389(5): 387-389. 

  • Steenland, M., Fabi, R., Bellerose, M., Desir, A., White, M., Wherry, L. (2023). Association between state public insurance coverage for postpartum immigrants and differences in postpartum care between postpartum immigrants and non-immigrants. JAMA, 330(3): 238-246.

  • Crane, J., Fabi, R., Pacia, D., Neuhaus, C., Berlinger, N. (2023). “We’re Here to Take Care of Our Community”: Lessons Learned From the U.S. Federal Health Center Covid-19 Vaccine Program. Health Promotion Practice.

  • Mathews, D., Abernethy, A., Butte,A. J., Ginsburg, P., Kocher, B., Novelli, C., Sandy, L., Smee, J., Fabi, R., Offodile II, A. C., Sherkow, J. S., Sullenger, R. D., Freiling, E., Balatbat, C. (2023). Telehealth and Mobile Health: Case Study for Understanding and Anticipating Emerging Science and Technology. NAM Perspectives.

  • Mathews, D., Abernethy, A., Chaikof, E., Charo, R. A., Daley, G. Q., Enriquez, J., Gottlieb, S., Kahn, J., Klausner, R. D., Tavazoie, S., Fabi, R., Offodile II, A. C., Sherkow, J. S., Sullenger, R. D., Freiling, E., Balatbat, C. (2023). Regenerative Medicine: Case Study for Understanding and Anticipating Emerging Science and Technology. NAM Perspectives. 

  • Mathews, D., Abernethy, A., Butte,A. J., Enriquez, J., Kocher, B., Lisanby, S. H., Persons, T. M., Fabi, R., Offodile II, A. C., Sherkow, J. S., Sullenger, R. D., Freiling, E., Balatbat, C. (2023). Neurotechnology and Noninvasive Neuromodulation: Case Study for Understanding and Anticipating Emerging Science and Technology. NAM Perspectives. 


  • Fabi, R., Zahn, L. (2022). Public Reason, Public Comments, and the Public Charge Rule: A Case Study in Moral & Practical Reasoning in Federal Rulemaking. Journal of Law, Medicine, & Ethics. 50(2): 322-335.

  • Mathews, D., Fabi, R., Offodile, A. (2022). Imagining Governance for Emerging Technologies. Issues in Science and Technology, 38(3): 40-46.

  • Fabi, R., Rivas, S., Griffin, M. (2022). Not in Our Name: The Disingenuous Use of “Public Health” as Justification for Title 42 Expulsions in the Era of the Migrant Protection Protocols. American Journal of Public Health, 112(8): 1115-1119.

  • Shaw, J., Anderson K.B., Fabi, R., … Shaw, A. (2022). COVID-19 vaccination intention and behavior in a large, diverse, U.S. refugee population. Vaccine. 40(9):1231-1237.

  •  Crane, J., Pacia, D., Fabi, R., Neuhaus, C., Berlinger, N. (2022). Advancing Covid vaccination equity at Federally Qualified Health Centers: A rapid qualitative review. Journal of General Internal Medicine.


  • Fabi, R., Cervantes, L. (2021). Undocumented immigrants and COVID-19—A call for federally funded healthcare. JAMA Health Forum. 2(9), e212252.

  • Fabi, R., Saloner, B., Taylor, H. (2021). State Policymaking and Stated Reasons: Prenatal Care for Undocumented Immigrants in an Era of Abortion Restriction. Milbank Quarterly.

  • Ghandakly, E., Fabi, R. (2021). Sterilization in ICE Detention: Ethical Failures and Systemic Injustice. American Journal of Public Health. 111(5), 832–34.

  • Fabi, R., & Taylor, H. A. (2021). Publicly Funded Health Care for Pregnant Undocumented Immigrants: Achieving Moral Progress Through Overlapping Consensus. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, 31(1), 77-99.

  • Spagnol Silverman, L, and Fabi R. (2021). “Deadly Bias: A Call for Gender Diversity in Cardiac Life Support Simulation Training.” BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning.

  • Fabi R., Goldberg D.S. (2021). Bioethics, (Funding) Priorities, and the Perpetuation of Injustice. American Journal of Bioethics. January 2021:1-14.


  • Fabi, R., Ludmir J. (2020). Pregnancy, Pandemics, and Public Health Policy: The Disparate Impact of COVID-19 on Pregnant Immigrants. Women’s Health Issues.

  • Fabi, R., Singh, N., Persad, G., Spiegel, P., Serwer, D., Rubenstein, L. (2020). Determining the Number of Refugees to be Resettled in the United States: An Ethical and Human Rights Analysis. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 19(2), 142-156.

  • Messing, A., Fabi, R., Rosen, J. (2020). Reproductive Injustice at the Border. American Journal of Public Health, 110(3), 339-344.


  • Fabi, R., Taylor, H. (2019). Prenatal Care for Undocumented Immigrants: Professional Norms, Ethical Tensions, & Practical Workarounds. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 47, 398-408.

  • Fabi, R. (2019). Why Physicians Should Advocate for Undocumented Immigrants’ Unimpeded Access to Prenatal Care. AMA Journal of Ethics, 21(1), e93-99.

  • Fabi, R. (2019). Public Health Ethics and Issues Related to Immigrants and Refugees in The Oxford Handbook of Public Health Ethics, Kahn, J., Kass, N., Mastroianni, A. (eds). Oxford University Press.


  • Switzer, G., Macis, M., Fabi, R., Abress, L., Confer, D., Bruce, J., . . . Dew, M.A. (2018). Providing level-of-match information to perfectly matched unrelated donors: Evaluating acceptability and potential changes in donor availability. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 24(10), 2110-2118.


  • Wherry, L. R., Fabi, R., Schickedanz, A., & Saloner, B. (2017). State And Federal Coverage For Pregnant Immigrants: Prenatal Care Increased, No Change Detected For Infant Health. Health Affairs, 36(4), 607-615.


  • Fabi, R., & Saloner, B. (2016). Covering Undocumented Immigrants — State Innovation in California. New England Journal of Medicine, 375(20), 1913-1915.

  • Fabi, R. (2016). “Respect for Persons,” Not “Respect for Citizens”. American Journal of Bioethics 16(10), 69-70.

  • Kass, N., Faden, R., Fabi, R., Morain, S., Hallez, K., Whicher, D., . . . Pitcavage, J. (2016). Alternative consent models for comparative effectiveness studies: Views of patients from two institutions. AJOB Empirical Bioethics, 7(2), 92-105.